Changzhou, a 27 -year-old girl from Changzhou, just started planning to marry her boyfriend, but she was inexplicably dying at home. After the family's alarm, after investigation and forensic examination, Xiao Yan's death was actually taking a brand of diet pills. Experts point out that the Internet and certain illegal pharmacies sell weight-loss drugs that contain prohibited ingredients and are harmful to human health. In fact, there are currently no diet pills that are truly safe. To lose weight safely, you should not expect to take medicine.
Beware of illegal ingredients in the network and pharmacies
Coincidentally, before this, there were also many popular diet pills that were found to contain illegal and harmful ingredients. Last July, the Beijing Food and Drug Administration on suspicion of production and sale of counterfeit drugs, the sales of three sellers Thailand Yan Xi (Yanhee) diet pills captured and seized the Thai diet pills nearly 120,000. Some people were diagnosed with drug-induced liver damage, and some had eaten for four days, feeling heartbeat, dizziness, and sweating. The Hong Kong Department of Health has purchased several diet pills from the Internet for testing. The test results showed that four of the products contained western medicine ingredients, one of which contained sibutramine and hydrochlorothiazide, and the other three contained fluoxetine, chlorpheniramine and bisacodyl. Many of these ingredients have been banned and banned in China and most countries due to their side effects.
In addition to the Internet, some pharmacies have also been found to sell diet pills illegally. At the end of last year, the food and drug supervision and administration department found in the law enforcement inspection and sampling inspection of health foods that 21 kinds of products sold in the Baojulu Pharmacy and other products contained illegal chemical ingredients. Among them, “赛赛牌维美克å‡è‚¥ç²’†was found on the black list due to the detection of ban on phenolphthalein and sibutramine. Phenolphthalein is the main component of laxatives, which can directly cause secretory diarrhea, which is easy for the user to rely on drugs, and also causes secondary constipation. Long-term use can cause dark lesions in the colonic mucosa. Â
Most diet pills are bad for your health.
"Slimming pills are not really safe and worry-free." Medical experts believe that many diet pills contain diuretics, appetite suppressants, stimulants and other ingredients, these things will have certain side effects. Some people have good body quality, side effects are not obvious, and some people have obvious side effects.
Yan Feng, director of the Nutrition Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, said that “the diet pills and health supplements are either central nervous system inhibitors. After eating, the appetite is suppressed. If you eat less, it is not easy to get fat; or it is laxative, eaten. After desperate diarrhea, resulting in insufficient nutrient intake and thin." She concluded that the weight-loss drugs that have appeared on the market, the active ingredients are mainly the following: fenfluramine hydrochloride, sibutramine, amphetamine and Orlistus he.
Among them, the three components of fenfluramine hydrochloride, sibutramine and amphetamine have been stopped by the State Food and Drug Administration because of serious side effects; Orlistat was recommended to be used cautiously. However, in order to make a profit, some unscrupulous businessmen illegally made these prohibited ingredients into diet pills and health products, and deceived consumers. Long-term consumption of high-potency drugs such as sibutramine can lead to high blood pressure, increased heart rate, anorexia, insomnia, abnormal liver function and other serious side effects, and can cause irreversible adverse effects on the nerves; He is more terrible and has potential addiction after eating. Diet pills that act directly on the central nervous system of the human brain, affect appetite, or cause oil to drain, the body weight is reduced very quickly, but the body is also hurt.
Is there a safe and healthy diet pills? Experts' opinion is that there may be in the future, but there is no such thing as it is safe to lose weight. Drugs that are not known or even labeled with ingredients include diet pills, and it is best not to take them.
Zinc is a chemical element with the symbol Zn and atomic number 30. Zinc is a slightly brittle metal at room temperature and has a blue-silvery appearance when oxidation is removed.In some respects, zinc is chemically similar to magnesium: both elements exhibit only one normal oxidation state (+2), and the Zn2+ and Mg2+ ions are of similar size.The material of the triangle valve in the hardware is mainly copper, stainless steel, alumina and zinc alloy, and the surface of the metal fittings of copper and zinc alloy is often chrome plated. Considering the damp environment , the hardware is often treated with multilayer electroplating to resist corrosion and oxidation when leaving the factory.Complete copper hardware is the most expensive, zinc alloy hardware price moderate.Some of our valves are used for camping stoves, and it is hard to avoid rain and snow when using outdoors. Due to environmental factors, the valve needs alloy coating for moisture-proof and anti-corrosion, and Zinc Valve generally has metal coating.
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