Solid wood wardrobe how to prevent insects solid wood wardrobe scar treatment method

[ Chinese wardrobe net ] The solid wood wardrobe is favored by many consumers because of its natural selection, exquisite workmanship and durability. However, solid wood furniture may also be attacked by insects, especially in the wet season with heavy rain and rain, accidentally touched scars. It is easy to moldy insects, how to prevent insects in the solid wood wardrobe in the home? How to deal with the scars of solid wood wardrobes? If you are worried about the maintenance of the solid wood wardrobe, come and learn with the website.

Solid wood wardrobe insect prevention tips:

1, paint brushing

For some corners that have not been damaged, use the coatings such as raw tung oil, shellac or varnish to brush the surface of the wooden cabinet to isolate the mites from the air and achieve the purpose of preventing cockroaches. It should be noted that when painting, the front and back sides and the inner wall of the wooden cabinet should be evenly painted.

2, liquid spray

When the wooden cabinet is damaged by insects, it can be mixed with dichlorvos and water in a ratio of 1:5, and sprayed with a sprayer to allow the liquid to penetrate into the wooden cabinet. It should be sprayed continuously for 3-5 times. After 8 hours, Can kill all aphids. After that, wash the wooden cabinet with water and dry it.

3, clean and wash

On sunny days, put the wooden cabinets that have been wormed in the sun, and paint the wooden cabinets with a brush or cotton yarn and diesel. After drying for two or three hours, apply it again and then expose it to the aphid. Then wash and dry with washing powder.

4, beware of termites

When wooden furniture finds long worms, you have to do termite control work. The termite medicine is also very scientific. As long as there is a poison, it will infect the termites like a virus and kill all the results.

Solid wood wardrobe scar treatment method:

1. Repair burn marks:

Solid wood wardrobes are more likely to cause burn marks than other wardrobes, and the cigarette butts in the home are the main source of solid wood wardrobes. Then when our solid wood wardrobe paint is burning, we can use a fine cloth hard cloth on the matchstick or toothpick, gently wipe the traces, and then apply a thin layer of wax, the scorch marks can be faded, with transparent The nail polish is applied thinly on the burn marks and the effect is better. This is a very common method of repairing solid wood wardrobes.

2, scratch treatment:

If the solid wood wardrobe in our home is accidentally scratched, but the scratches do not touch the wood below the paint film, the wax solution can be melted with a towel and applied to the wound of the paint film to cover the scar. After the wax has hardened, apply the same method. Repeat as many times as needed to cover up the scratches and then apply a thin layer of clear nail polish. This basically blurs the scratch. Remember to use a dry towel to dissolve the wax solution. Do not use a wet towel. This method is very useful for repairing solid wood wardrobes.

3, color change repair:

White is the color that most friends love very much, so the white solid wood wardrobe industry has become the first choice for many families. However, the white solid wood wardrobe is easy to stain and discolor. If it is because of the long time, the discoloration can be wiped with a dry rag and toothpaste. Be careful not to use too much force to wipe gently, or mix the two egg yolks with soft Brush the brush evenly to the yellowed area. After drying, carefully wipe it with a soft cloth.

4, repair cracks:

When the solid wood wardrobe is used for a long time, cracks will appear, which affects the overall appearance of the solid wood wardrobe. If the crack in the solid wood wardrobe in our home is small, the saw powder can be directly filled in the crack. The color of the sawdust powder can be color according to the color of the solid wood wardrobe. This kind of solid wood wardrobe is also convenient to repair and the effect is obvious. If the crack is large, you can use a small knife on both sides of the crack to split into several parts. The smaller the better, the smaller the original crack will become smaller. Finally, the large crack and the small crack are basically the same, and then the saw is foamed. powder. Such solid wood wardrobe repairs are more beautiful and natural.

About the solid wood wardrobe how to prevent insects and solid wood wardrobe scar treatment methods and other related decoration knowledge for everyone to introduce here, I hope this article is helpful to you, if you still have anything you do not understand can pay attention to our website, we will soon Answer it for you.

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