Buy solid wood furniture to pay attention to the true "real"

A few days ago, the public, Miss Li, said that a set of bedroom furniture she bought last October was not solid wood. Miss Li told the reporter: "When I bought it, I specifically asked the salesperson. The salesperson said that it must be solid wood. But after the furniture was bought back, the family always had a smell. It has been more than a year now, and the smell has not been dissipated." After carefully examining the furniture, Miss Li found that the backboard of the wardrobe and the drawers of the bedside table were very thin and did not look like solid wood.

Comments: In fact, solid wood furniture also has all solid wood furniture, solid wood furniture and solid wood frame furniture. All solid wood furniture, except for mirrors, hardware and pallets, is made of the same kind of log sawn timber; nowadays, more solid wood furniture is seen on the market, which is made of the same kind of log sawn timber. This kind of furniture looks just like all solid wood furniture; more is solid wood frame furniture, that is, the frame is made of wood sawn timber, combined with furniture made of sheet metal. It seems that if you meet a well-informed consumer, the salesperson will introduce it clearly. Otherwise, it is a solid wood furniture. Consumers may have spent the money of solid wood furniture to buy furniture made of wood and wood.

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