Commonly used test methods for tensile testing machines

Introduction of commonly used test methods for tensile testing machines

1. Impact test

It is to determine the toughness and brittleness of the sample by using the energy difference before and after the pendulum impacts the sample. The characteristics are large impact force, short effect time, and fast change.

2), (bcd)-the flexion point at the c-point of the deformation stage corresponds to the "platform" of the PSc-d waveform segment.

3), dB—point B of the average plastic deformation stage corresponds to the strength limit load of Pb value data (maximum acceptable load).

4). BK—The K point at the stage of partial concentrated deformation (necked neck) is the fracture point corresponding to the Pk value breaking load.

2. Tension test, the commonly used instruments are all-round data testing machine and tensile testing machine, the first is to slowly apply a load on both ends of the sample, so that the task of the sample is partially subjected to axial tension, causing the sample to extend in the axial direction Normally proceed until it is pulled off. After the tensile test, the tensile strength and plastic characteristics of the data can be determined. Tensile specimens should meet the requirements of relevant countries and industry standards for the tensile test of different materials. Tensile test curve stress-strain tensile curve. The tensile curve can be divided into four stages: 1, 10ab—the PP value corresponding to point a at the elastic deformation stage is called proportional limit load. The Pe value corresponding to point b is called the elastic limit load (the maximum resistance without eternal deformation) 0-a segment L is proportional to the p-line stage a-b segment minimal plastic deformation (0.001-0.005%)

3. Hardness test

It is an agile and economical mechanical experiment method. It is one of the most common methods for determining the mechanical function of data. It is the only experiment that does not damage the mechanical function of the test piece. There are also change experiments, fatigue experiments, creep experiments, slack experiments, and endurance experiments in product detection.

4. Tightening experiment

But contrary to the tensile test, it is used to measure the pressure strength, relative shortening rate and section increase rate of the data under the effect of static pressure. The fundamental requirement for the compact style is that the two support end faces must be parallel to each other. The user generally uses the all-around test machine and the pressure test machine. The bending experiment is mainly used to determine the bending strength limit, elastic modulus and maximum deflection of materials or components. Can be divided into simply supported beam bending experiment and pure bending experiment

5. Shear experiment

The first is to determine the shear resistance of the data, and is generally used to assess the quality of the rivet wire. The shearing experiment is divided into single-term shearing and bidirectional shearing experiments. The instrument is an all-round material testing machine.

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